by Ken Borsuk 12/26/2014
The challenges that people in the state are facing was discussed in a question to Mr. Bocchino. Ms. Urban cited the Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed (ALICE) report from the United Ways of Connecticut, which found that 35% of Connecticut residents fall into that description, meaning they are “working, yet struggling simply to afford basic household necessities.” Ms. Urban said these individuals and families are typically above the poverty line but are “one unanticipated event, like a serious illness, a death in the family, the loss of a job, home or vehicle, away from a major financial crisis.” While noting the lowering unemployment rate and the state’s high minimum wage, which she praised, she said 17% of Greenwich residents fit this description.
“Those numbers are disturbing and staggering,” Mr. Bocchino said. “I think, sadly, we all know one family that is in this demographic, and it’s troublesome. Absolutely the state needs to play a part in this. Over the last several years the cost of living in Connecticut has increased, and Connecticut needs to address these burdensome costs. The highest cost of living has a disproportionate effect on those barely above the poverty level.”
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