Do you know ALICE?
ALICE is our friend, neighbor, coworker and family member. ALICE cares for our children and aging parents, fixes our cars and works in our local grocery stores, retail stores and restaurants. ALICE lives in every town and city in Connecticut. In fact, in Connecticut more than 550,000 households are ALICE, with income above the Federal Poverty Level but below the state’s basic cost-of-living threshold as defined in the 2024 ALICE Report. ALICE workers are retail workers, nursing assistants, childcare workers, home health aides, car mechanics, maintenance workers, teacher assistants – workers essential to every community’s success. We lean on ALICE for support; yet many ALICE households are one emergency away from a financial crisis impacting their ability to feed their families, heat their homes, maintain their housing and ensure their medical care.
Connecticut United Ways use their local presence to build stronger, more resilient and more equitable communities where everyone can thrive. We work to improve the health, education and economic mobility of every person in every community we serve.
Download ALICE reports here.

ALICE Overview

ALICE Reports

Policy Agenda

Making tough choices
Put yourself in the shoes of a typical ALICE family. ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. ALICE families are those who have earnings above the Federal Poverty Level, but below a basic cost-of-living threshold. In other words, they are struggling to make ends meet. Despite working hard and holding important jobs in our state, more than one in four Connecticut families are ALICE.