When so much of life is uncertain, the greatest concerns for many involve personal finances. Now, Connecticut residents who need help dealing with creditors, finding resources, or managing their money have access to TrustPlus, a free virtual or telephone financial coaching program brought to you by ALICE Saves and Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners. Neighborhood Trust, a New York-based non-profit organization, has provided expert financial guidance for low-to-moderate-income Americans for 25 years. TrustPlus, its financial coaching service, provides one-on-one support for clients, delivered online and by phone. TrustPlus combines a human connection with action-oriented tools. Its goal is to help people solve short-term financial challenges in a confidential, non-judgmental setting.All the information shared with TrustPlus coaches is 100% confidential. You can be confident that your information will not be shared with anyone.
How TrustPlus Can Help
Some of the areas in which coaches can provide assistance include:
Day-to-day money management — TrustPlus’ financial coaches help their clients take control of their money so that they are less stressed and better able to make financial decisions.
Emergency funds and loans — Coaches help clients reduce the use of loans, especially high-interest payday loans. If an emergency savings does not exist or is not enough, TrustPlus’ financial coaches can help clients look at all possible options through financial institutions or online lenders.
Debt management — TrustPlus financial coaches are experts on debt management and repayment strategies that allow clients to feel in control of their debt – not overwhelmed by it.
How To Sign Up Employees
If you would like to offer this program to your employees, please contact your local United Way.