According to the new 2020 ALICE Report for Connecticut, 38 percent of households in our state have income which falls below what is needed to pay for basic necessities of housing, food, child care, health care, technology, and transportation. The new ALICE Report on financial hardship takes a deeper look at the growing financial challenges that require more and more working and middle class families to make tough choices every day as they manage their household budget. Consider these findings in the new ALICE Report:
- It now costs more than $90,000 a year for a family of four with 1 infant and 1 toddler to pay for the basic needs in a Household Survival Budget.
- The report maps out where ALICE families live, demonstrating that ALICE lives in every city and town in Connecticut. In 148 of Connecticut’s 169 cities and towns, at least 1 in 5 households fit the ALICE definition for financial hardship.
ALICE lives in every city and town in Connecticut. ALICE plays by the rules and works hard in numerous occupations that we could not live without: our child care workers; our mechanics; our store clerks and office assistants; our security workers; and, home health aides. ALICE is our friend, neighbor, co-worker, and family member.
Please join Connecticut’s United Ways as we continue the dialogue around how to help more than 513,000 households who earn less than the bare minimum needed to cover the basic necessities in Connecticut.
We hope you will join us in raising awareness about ALICE, and encouraging community leaders to be part of the effort to provide opportunities for ALICE families to succeed and to thrive in our state.
Download the 2020 ALICE Update Report
Statewide Contact:
Annie Scully, United Way of Connecticut
(860) 571-7215 ann.scully@ctunitedway.org