September 2, 2018
According to the 2018 ALICE Report for Connecticut, 40% of households in our state have income which falls below what is needed to pay for basic necessities of housing, food, child care, health care, technology, and transportation.
ALICE, stands for – Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed. United Ways in Connecticut and seventeen other states are promoting the ALICE initiative to place a spotlight on a large population of residents who are working, but have difficulty affording a basic Household Survival Budget. The new ALICE Report uses data from a variety of sources, including the U.S. Census and the American Community Survey to quantify the number of households in Connecticut’s workforce that are struggling financially.
The new ALICE Report on financial hardship takes a deeper look at the growing financial challenges that require more and more working and middle class families to make tough choices every day as they manage their household budget.
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