Trusted Advisor FAQs


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What is Neighborhood Trust?
Neighborhood Trust is an independent, not-for-profit financial counseling service that started in New York City more than 20 years ago. Its experts have specialized training in working with both hourly and salaried employees and they cover any financial topic you need help with.

Does it cost anything?
The program is free. It gives you access to one-on-one financial counseling in either English or Spanish. The counselors listen to your questions, ask about your lifestyle and your goals for your life, and then they work with you to develop an action plan for improving your finances that is tailored to your unique situation.

Who is eligible to participate?
Anyone over the age of 18 can participate.

Will my information be shared with the United Way?
No, Neighborhood Trust is an independent organization, and no specific details about your finances nor any personal information discussed with your financial counselor will be shared.

I’m not comfortable signing up by text. What should I do?
Just Click here to sign up.

What are the options for meeting with a financial counselor? Is there an option for in-person counseling?
Financial counseling is only available over the phone or via Skype. In person counseling is not offered at this time.

Can my spouse participate with me?
Yes, but you must schedule all appointments with the financial counselor and be the primary contact.

Can I schedule my financial counseling services during work hours?
Signing up for the service takes five minutes, so that can be done during a break while at work. However, it’s best that you schedule your counseling sessions outside of work hours, unless you choose to use your lunch time for this purpose. Neighborhood Trust offers convenient day, evening and weekend hours.

I lost my handbook/pamphlet/flyer. How do I get another one?
Connecticuts United Ways can request access to these informational materials for you. You can contact them at

I already have a Neighborhood Trust financial counselor, but I haven’t spoken to them in a while. How do I get back in touch?
Your membership never expires. Text 212-927-5771 to reach the counseling team and ask to set up a new appointment.